On March 25th 1992 Pope John Paul II with the bull “Totus Tuus Poloniae Populus” established the Łowicz Diocese and raised the collegiate church to the rank of the cathedral. St. Victoria, so strongly connected with the city history, was declared the patron of the new created diocese. Currently her feast day established by the Holy See is celebrated on November 11th. Like his predecessors Bishop of Łowicz is concerned with the development of St. Victoria’s cult. The second patron of the Łowicz Diocese is Fr. Honorat Koźmiński, the Capuchin who founded 26 religious orders having no habit. On October 16th 1988 Pope John Paul II added him to the group of the blessed. The new diocese apart from the former Duchy of Łowicz consists of: the Region of Sochaczew, the Region of Rawa and the Region of Kutno. The main core of the diocese constitute parishes situated in the west part of the former Archdiocese of Warsaw. Parishes from the Diocese of Łódź and Płock were incorporated within the reorganisation.
Bishop of Łowicz
Andrzej Franciszek Dziuba
professor doctor habilitated of theology
Andrzej Franciszek Dziuba was born on October 10th 1950 in Pleszew. He attended the Primary School in Wieczyn and Żegocin. He continued his further education at Stanisław Staszic Secondary School in Pleszew, he passed his Matura exam in 1968. From 1969 to 1975 he studied philosophy and theology at St. Adalbert Primatial Major Seminary in Gniezno. He earned his master’s degree in Dogmatic Theology from the Pontifical Faculty of Theology in Poznań. He received the sacrament of Holy Orders on June 21st 1975 from Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, Primate of Poland, in the Primatial Basilica of Gniezno. After his ordination he worked as a vicar at the Holy Trinity Parish in Łobżenica. He graduated specialized studies in a branch of moral theology at the Faculty of Theology at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. He wrote his doctoral thesis on the basis of the work “Nicholas from Mościska, moral theologian of the 17th century” , which was completed in 1979 under the supervision of Franciszek Greniuk, the priest, professor doctor habilitated. He continued studying moral theology at the Alphonsian Academy in Rome. In the years 1981-1984 he worked as referent in the Secretariat of the Primate of Poland in Warsaw as well as secretary and chaplain of the Primate of Poland for Archdiocese of Gniezno. In the years 1984-1998 he was director in the Secretariat of the Primate of Poland and personal secretary of Cardinal Józef Glemp, Primate of Poland. In the years 1998-2004 he worked as theological counselor of the Secretariat of the Primate of Poland. At this time he was fulfilling his ministration in St. Martin Church in the Warsaw Old Town (1981-1998) as well as in St. Barbara’s Church in Koszyki district in Warsaw (1998-2004). In 1990 he received his habilitation at the Catholic University of Lublin on the basis of the work „Jan Azor – moral theologian”. He received the docent degree in 1990 and the professor title in 1997. In the years 1989-2004 he worked at the Faculty of Theology at the Catholic University of Lublin and from 1995 he worked at the Faculty of Theology at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw. In both universities he was director of the Department of the History of Moral Theology. From 2005 he has been director of the Centre of Documentation and Studies on the Person and Teaching of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński in UKSW (the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University) in Warsaw. In 2009 he was granted the diploma of honoris causa doctorate of the Polish University Abroad. On March 27th 2004 he was nominated to be the second bishop of Łowicz. He received episcopal consecration in the Łowicz Cathedral on May 22nd 2004 from the hands of Cardinal Józef Glemp Primate of Poland, Archbishop and Metropolitan of Gniezno Henryk Muszyński as well as Bishop Alojzy Orszulik, the first bishop of Łowicz. He is the President of the Scientific Council of the Polish Episcopate Conference, the member of the group responsible for relations with the French Episcopate Conference, the member of the Ecclesiastical Concordatarian Commission, the chairman of the Higher Education Group, the chairman of the Scientific and Language Scholarship Group, the delegate of the Polish Episcopate Conference for International Eucharistic Congresses.
The main chaplain of the order of the Polish Cavaliers of Malta.
Episcopal Motto: Soli Deo
The patron’s feast day: November 30th
Source: www.diecezja.lowicz.pl
Senior Bishop of Łowicz
Alojzy Orszulik SAC
Licentiate of Canon Law
born on June 21st 1928 in Baranowice, the Żory parish, (Archdiocese of Katowice), received the sacrament of Holy Orders on June 22nd 1957 in Ołtarzew, was appointed Titular Bishop of Vissalsy and Auxiliary Bishop of the Siedlce Diocese on September 8th 1989, was consecrated on December 8th 1989 in the cathedral of Siedlce, was nominated the bishop of Łowicz on March 25th 1992, retired from May 22nd 2004
Auxiliary Senior Bishop
Józef Zawitkowski
Master’s Degree in Musicology
born on November 23rd 1938 in the village Wał, the Żdżary parish, (the Łowicz Diocese), received the sacrament of Holy Orders on May 20th 1962 in Warsaw, was appointed Titular Bishop of Ausana, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Warsaw on May 26th 1990, was consecrated on June 9th 1990 in Łowicz, was nominated Auxiliary Bishop of the Łowicz Diocese on March 25th 1992, retired from December 9th 2013.
diocese area on the voivodeships’ territory in square km
number of parishes on the territory of the Mazovian Voivodeship
number of parishes on the territory of the Łódź Voivodship
number of parishes on the territory of the Greater Poland Voivodship (Wielkopolska Voivodship)
diocese population
number of deaneries (decanates)
diocesan parishes
conventual parishes
rector churches
military priesthood establishments
Patroni Diecezji Łowickiej
Św. Wiktoria
Błogosławiony Honorat Koźmiński